Good post! I think beauty is precisely what many denominations in the Christian world have, more or less, lost over the last century. In one way, we've prioritized a stiff, rational theology at the expense of enchantment; in another way, we've embellished private spiritualism without a sense of refinement. Either way, truth without a practiced, lived-out, visible beauty is inauthentic, in my view, or at least it shows the person is in a dark, ugly place to some degree. It is, in part, Job's sense of beauty after seeing God with his own eyes that brings him to repentance! "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know." (Job 42:3) This sense of wonder, awe, amazement, and enchantment has a deep relationship with knowledge, which imparts our sense of objectivity for discerning truth. The two seem to be inseparable–––much to explore.

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